Effect of Virogreen to Reduce Loss of Starter-Grower Pigs on PRRS Outbreak in The North of Thailand
Animal Supplement and Pharmaceutical(ASP) developed Virogreen, which suitable for protecting and reducing inflammation, fever, pain reduction, and inhibition of specific immune cell destruction in pigs with PRRS (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) infected. All properties enhance disease resistance and effectively reduce the loss on the farm.
The northern pig farm in Thailand brought Virogreen to reducing PRRS in the farm with the following details.
The large farm size is located in the north of Thailand. Some housing had a PRRS outbreak. We did the trial in 4,000 starter-grower pigs.
Control = 2,000 pigs received normal feed
Virogreen = 2,000 pigs received Virogreen 1 kg/T of feed

4.Return on investment is 5.02 times
Conclusion of Virogreen trials in northern Thailand
Virogreen makes swine tolerance with PRRS Infection more than not feeding with Virogreen and Reduced losing 17.11%. That makes improving the farm performance by ROI 5 times.
#ไวโรกรีน #PRRS #FMD #ASF #Virogreen #ASP #Animalsupplementandpharmaceutical
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