Effect of Virogreen on Reducing Mortality Rate from ASF in Finisher pigs
Virogreen is the natural extract to reduce inflammatory cytokines and free radicals, which cause severe inflammation and high fever, leading to the depression of a specific immune system in the body. Many diseases make cytokines storm as above, especially, The AFRICAN SWINE FEVER (ASF) Infection mechanism.
The study on the damage reduction of ASF in fattening pigs on a pandemic farm in Cambodia In this trial, we divided the houses into three groups where all three houses are located in the same area.
1. Control Group (PCR Negative)
2. ASF Infected group (PCR positive):
Virogreen supplement 2 kg per ton of feed
3. ASF free group (PCR Negative):
Virogreen supplement 2 kg per ton of feed
The result shows that Virogreen supplement in ASF infected pigs feed (PCR positive) can reduce the damage rate up to 59%, and the return on investment is 15 times. After five weeks of Virogreen supplementation along with the culling of sick pigs, the PCR test was negative and could continue fattening for one week without further damage.
Besides, the ASF-free group (PCR Negative) was no damage from ASF infection and able to keep the herd free of the virus until the end of the phase. The return on investment is 25 times. The trial results conclude that Virogreen supplementation can help reduce damage from AFRICAN SWINE FEVER outbreaks. It is most effective if the product is supplemented before an outbreak occurs

#ไวโรกรีน #ASF #Africanswinefever #PRRS #FMD #Virogreen #ASP #Animalsupplementandpharmaceutical #ลดอักเสบ #ลดปวด #ลดไข้ #เอเอสเอฟ #ปากและเท้าเปื่อย #พีอาร์อาร์เอส #อหิวาห์แอฟริกัน #อหิวาต์แอฟริกันในสุกร