Effect of Virogreen to reduce morbidity rate of dairy cows on Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in Thailand
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is announced as an endemic disease in Thailand many recent years.
Animal Supplement and Pharmaceutical(ASP) developed Virogreen products are suitable for protecting and reducing inflammation, fever, pain reduction, and inhibition of specific immune cell destruction in cows with Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD). All properties enhance disease resistance and effectively reduce the loss on the farm.
Virogreen has a trial on a dairy farm in Thailand with the following details.
A small farm size located in the middle of Thailand with an FMD outbreak was found before trial about 3-4 days.
The experimental group was dairy cows 15 cows were divided into four groups,
- FMD cow group
- FMD cow group + Virogreen 20 g/cow/day for 14 days
- Normal cow group
- Normal cow group + Virogreen 20 g/cow/day for 14 days
- Monitoring symptoms and lesion of hoof, mouth, and teats every day
1. FMD cow group
In case no supplement
- The wounds at hoof, mouth, teats were showed for more than 14 days. The owner informed that wounds at all area typically improved 100% in 30 days

In case Virogreen supplemented
- The wounds at hoof, mouth, teats were better in 3-4 days
- Dairy cows 50% back to normal in 7-14 days (50% lesion remaining at only hoof)

2.Normal cow group
In case no supplement
- The wounds at the hoof were showed

In case Virogreen supplemented
- Still, be healthy cows

3. When compared with the near farm, the farm had a 100% FMD outbreak while the Virogreen experiment group had only a 20% FMD outbreak.
Conclusion of Virogreen trial in dairy cows, Thailand
Virogreen reduced losing from FMD Outbreak equal 50%
Virogreen in FMD cows, their wounds were faster improved than normal.
Virogreen makes healthy cows still.
Virogreen reduced disease transmission to other cows.
#ไวโรกรีน #ASF #Africanswinefever #PRRS #FMD #Virogreen #ASP #Animalsupplementandpharmaceutical #ลดอักเสบ #ลดปวด #ลดไข้ #เอเอสเอฟ #ปากและเท้าเปื่อย #พีอาร์อาร์เอส #อหิวาห์แอฟริกัน #อหิวาต์แอฟริกันในสุกร #ปากและเท้าเปื่อยในวัว #FMDในวัว